
your roof

the most important asset of your house

Roof Repair and maintenance

  • Re Pointing
  • Gutter Cleaning
  • Solar Panel Cleaning
  • Whirlybird Instalation
left: aftersoft washing and old pointing has been cut out. right: after re pointing
top left: before valley gutter replacement. top right removal of valley gutter. bottom left: new valley gutter installed. bottom right: after valley gutter replacement roof cleaning Perth and gutter cleaning
from start to finish

roof repair and maintenance

Help prolong the life of your roof and avoid leaks and water damage.

Whirlybird installation reduces warping, bowing, sagging of roof truss and decrease the risk of chemical delignification.

Re pointing to secure ridge cap tiles and prevent roof leaks.

Gutter cleaning reduces the risk of water overflow into eave and downpipes blocking.

Solar panel cleaning helps maintain maximum energy output.


solar panel cleaning in progress after gutter cleaning and roof cleaning Perth
from start to finish

roof inspections & reports

It all starts with an on site roof inspection and roof leak investigation. 

With this inspection I can walk you through any issues or points of interest, photographing and documenting everything as I encounter them.

This information is then used to create a detailed report including an accurate measurement of all your roofs features.

The report is then discussed with you and a clear plan of action is decided

left: roof before soft washing. right: after roof cleaning by soft washing
from start to finish


A clean roof will last longer than a dirty roof.

Algae, Lichen, Moss & Mould all produce their own types of acid, this slowly deteriorates the sub straight it grows on leading to brittle tiles and rusted roofs, gutters and down pipes.

  • Solar Panel Cleaning
  • Roof Cleaning (Soft Wash or Pressure Washing)
  • Gutter Cleaning with Vacuum
  • Pruning of Encroaching Bushes, Trees & Vines


All services help to stop leaks and keep your roof in best shape and all services are available.

roof after re pointing using Dulux Acratex roofing products
from start to finish

Roof repair and maintenance

Broken tiles:

Tiles are replaced; not repaired. We do this using salvaged tiles.

Rusted roof sheets:
  • Minor rust is removed and sealed.
  • Full depth rust? We replace the sheet.
Old / Rusted roofing screws:

Generally we replace all screws at the same time. This is because screws and their rubber boots have a limited life expectancy and can contribute to roof leaks and roof sheet rusting.

Valley Gutter Replacement:

Valley gutters can be repaired if rusted but it generally costs the same or less to replace them. Replacement also ensures longevity.

Bedding & Pointing:

  • Re Bedding is not always necessary and where possible, we will do bedding repairs instead.
  • Pointing is a very important part of all tiled roofs as it is the adhesive that binds the ridge caps to the bedding and the roof tiles. This ensures they can not be dislodged by high winds and also prevents water ingress into your roof.
left: roof before whirlybird installation. right: roof after whirlybird installation
from start to finish


Prevention is better than a cure!

Pruning of Encroaching Bushes, Trees & Vines:
Pruning reduces leaf litter build up in gutters that can clause water damage from blockages and rusting of gutters from decaying matter. It also helps prevent vermin being able to access your roof as they use plants as access.

Whirly bird installation:
Whirly birds help to protect your roof truss from bowing, sagging & splitting by reducing the temperature fluctuation predominantly as we come out of winter. During winter the timber truss absorbs moisture and as we move into warmer days high temperatures can force the timber to rapidly dry; damaging your roof truss.
A whirly bird reduces this stress.

Painting is the final step to a full restoration. This is the best form of protection you can apply to a roof. It is a barrier to protect your roof and also help reduce water ingress and leaks.